Monday, July 27, 2009


Well, I thought maybe I could get away without posting something about little man's health but that's not the case..........hopefully someday!!! Connor continues to gain weight and is doing well managing his reflux with his meds ~ last appointment he weighed 13.9lbs! His blood pressure is still a struggle for us. We started noticing orange urine in Connor's diapers and when we told the doctor they were concerned that his bp meds were effecting his kidneys. They stopped his bp meds and we went to the doctor just about everyday to have his pressure monitored. After about a week and his blood pressure continually getting higher they decided to put him on a different medicine that hopefully won't effect his kidneys. This medicine isn't generally used on babies but it's our only choice at this point in time. We go to the doctor tomorrow for a follow up so we will see how things are. He continues to need your prayers!

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